In the Beautiful Farmyard postcard set, one for the Brahmousin:
Hybrids of many kinds are named by portmanteaus; the names mirror the things. So it is with the Brahmousin.
(Brahmousins are usually pictured as big and blocky, but here’s a sweet family.)
From French Wikipedia:
C’est un hybride de bœuf européen, Bos taurus, et de zébu, Bos taurus indicus. Cette race a été créée en croisant la brahmane aux qualités reconnues de résistance aux maladies tropicales et à la chaleur avec la limousine, race hautement productive et à la qualité de viande reconnue.
From the Brahmousin website:
The superior maternal traits, insect resistance, foraging ability, and heat tolerance of the Brahman combined with the carcass traits of the Limousin make Brahmousin an unbeatable breed for the cowman.