A new tv commercial for Naväge (sometimes just Navage) touts it as just the thing for current times:
Now is the time to make good nasal hygiene the new normal.
The commercial doesn’t seem to be available on-line yet, but here’s an earlier print ad:
“uses powered suction to relieve nasal congestion” (with a saline solution)
The brand name is, of course, a portmanteau, of nasal + lavage; on the latter, from NOAD:
noun lavage: Medicine washing out of a body cavity, such as the colon or stomach, with water or a medicated solution.
Reviews are mixed on the utility of the system for relieving chronic sinusitis and the like (though for a while as a child I had regular nasal lavage performed by a doctor, with pretty good results). But I’ve found no information about the wisdom of flushing mucus out of the nasal cavity in current times.