Sexy Friday continues, with the war between the sexes in today’s Scenes From a Multiverse:
First, misogynoids launched against the women, then misandroids launched in retaliation, sowing the boner-destroying deathsterone.
The first two portmanteaus build on android ‘(in science fiction) a robot with a human appearance’ (NOAD2): misogyny + android, misandry + android. Then we get deathsterone, death + testosterone. And then there’s boner, bone +-er, here in sense 2 from NOAD2:
1 N. Amer. informal a stupid mistake.
2 N. Amer. vulgar slang an erection of the penis.
Sense 2 is a straightforward metaphor: an erect penis is hard like a bone. For sense 1, compare boneheaded ‘stupid’ (another metaphor: with a head (hard) like bone).
A note from cartoonist Jon Rosenberg:
Keep your boners safe, people. Keep them under your mattress while you sleep.